
palais fg

artistic decadence

the functional room framework has been partly adopted and partly modified. the client´s guidelines were mostly concentrated on functional details. they were very open and free to all design ideas and proposals. the biggest challange but also a pleasure was to integrate the existing collecton of art, antique furniture and oriental carpets and to give them a completely new role in the composition.

the baroque history oft the space was treated as a fact and a kind of a past imagination but the detailed research of it was not the issue of interest during the design process. there is a kind of baroque spirit in the air that was mixed with strong contemporay influence.

the rooms thereby created have been meticulously dealt with separately, according to the principle “everything is allowed”. the various moods and sources of inspiration translated into the design of the individual rooms are always independent from each other and yet familiar.

a wild, bold and relaxedly haphazard mixture of “old” and “new” serve as dominant elements of the design. in this process, the “old” would constantly be newly designed – as a possible reconstruction or, as in most cases, as an artistic interpretation.

an intentional renouncement of clear definitions along with a casual play with the material result in an excentric “mix and match” of shapes, surfaces, colours and ornaments. an enormous quantity of ornaments on wallpapers, fabrics and carpets in compositions that appear randomly but are precisely attuned, have a warm and familiar, but at the same time surprising and unexpected effect.

an abundance of antique, restored and newly designed furniture from all epochs have been brought into a dialogue with contemporary design and art objects, at times in dignified, at times in ironic compositions. the boundaries between “old” and “new” thereby totally disappear, creating a new, inherently consistent composition.

the precisely selected sculptural pieces of furniture serve as independent, strong characters in a theatre play. most of them one of a kind, or specially customised for the project, sometimes angular, sometimes soft in terms of their form language, they are constantly engaged in dialogue with each other and provide for the atmospheric tensions. they dominate the room and emphasise the surreal mise-en-scène.