
orlando di castello

hard innocence

the idea of uniting the worlds of queen elizabeth, the rapper 50 cent and a girl from tyrol all in one room and of forming from these associations, which are in contradiction to each other, a new kind of harmonic composition are the dominant factors of the outline.

symbols, such as delicate, stylised little flowers and hard metallic nuts appear in the room in countless versions, thereby making for strong contrasts.

the exciting sense of space appears through the examination of the new proportions: baseboards transform themselves into wall claddings, floor lamps become ceiling lights, panels of fabric divide into small note-like cloths, benches explode into small, kidneyshaped segments. the result of these alienations, often ironic, is a surreal atmosphere full of surprises.

white as the dominating room colour, freshly innocent and friendly, has a differentiated and always different effect on various kinds of materials and surfaces. being in a dialogue with metallic, silver and mirrored hard elements, the white colour repeatedly loses its innocence, thereby having a harder effect. on the other hand, the white background, immersed in warm light, shines with a smooth and golden warmness.

the use of different kinds of seating furniture (shape but also seating comfort) in different room areas creates the intended space separation and zoning. the targeted use of illumination, as well as carefully planned and selected light colours support the atmospheresin particular areas.

the strong odc branding appears to be dominant or reserved, characterised or printed on several custom-made objects and, high-quality handicraft is in direct context with the quality of the brand “orlando di castello”. in its distinctiveness, the architecture becomes the carrier of the brand development.